Monday, January 19, 2009

Stand Up

Well once again I see that online there is apparently no one in the blogging realm that holds to Dispensationalism. I would make the assumption that it is the Covenant led seminaries that have tarnished the minds of the unwitting bible college student. I say this with the experience of graduating from a bible college myself, we tend to think that we have all the answers to the theological realm. This is a dangerous place because when you decide to go to a seminary, unless you have spent the majority of your free time reading from dispensationally minded authors ie, those on stempublishing or from, you get swallowed up in covenant theology. The typical thought is that dispensationalism started with J.N.Darby C.H. Mackintosh, but as a dispensationalist, I believe that you can trace God's distinct dispensations throughout the Bible. I encourage any and every Dispensationalist to stand up and be heard.

P.S. I know that this was a little quickly thrown together, but for lack of time and for necessity it will stay this way.

Resting in Christ

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