Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Using the previously posted diagram

The Rapture and Millennial Kingdom diagram that was previously posted gives a very meager look at Eschatology. Diagrams are helpful to some that learn better seeing pictures, like myself. In saying all that, I gave it so that you could see a time line of what is to come and it helps to keep things in place in order that we understand what is going on right now. It is a common idea that Christ's reign is happening now, we see it in the hymns we sing, and in the contemporary music (CCM) that is sung. (This is one of the reason I do not listen to CCM) We also can see that it is pervading many local churches and the vast majority of seminaries. If we have a way that we look at theology, then that way should show up in every area that we are involved in, church wise. Christ is not the King over the Bride, He is our bridegroom and His kingdom, is not now!

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