Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Spotless what we will be...

I spend the majority of my days doing nothing, I once complained that I did not have enough time to study God's word, to prepare lessons and sermons so that God could us me. Now I do not have a job, which may be the answer that I was wanting, and I spend the majority of my free time doing nothing. Oh wretched man that I am. That does not exactly fit into Paul's context, but I understand that I will not always do what my spirit desires and what the Holy Spirit convicts me to do. We are free creatures, left to do what we will with our lives, but those who are saved have the freedom from the former bondage of sin to live righteously in Christ. Peter tells us that we have been given all things for life and godliness, of which I am extremely thankful for. But I do not always live godly. I always think about the Bema seat judgment that I will face one day. I realize that I will stand before the one that I love above all else, Jesus Christ, and I will have to give an account for the sins that I willing committed. The sins that the Holy Spirit, urged me not to commit and I ignored Him. Tears are the first thing that I can think of when I think of that moment, I understand that I have been forgive for all my sins, but each sin that will be questioned all that I can think of is the sacrifice that Christ made so that I did not have to be in bondage to sins. I believe that I do not have to commit a single sin after I am saved, that does not me that I won't, but before my salvation I could do nothing but live in sin. I also know that there is a wonderful event that occurs after that time, the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. This is the time when the Church is married to her bridegroom, Jesus Christ, to live with Him for the rest of eternity. They say that he Rapture is our blessed hope, and it is. Why is it, maybe because it is the starting point for the events leading to the marriage. I encourage everyone to think of these things that were mentioned, we are a heavenly people and our citizenship is in heaven, we are a new creation, which does not belong in this world, but in heaven. Focus on heaven, on the moment when we will be presented as the spotless Bride to Christ the spotless Lamb.

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