Monday, April 20, 2009

Return from the Missions Trip 2009

Well, the missions trip to Ferron Utah's Three 777 Ranch was very profitable. I was able to minister as a 'go-for" for those who knew what they were doing in the carpentry field. At the ranch there is a lot of ministry revolving around horses. I was blessed by a missionary there who gave a lesson involving a horse and it's rider. The illustration was the rider(God) and the horse(man) and the boundaries that God(rider) puts on man(horse). I never looked at it in this manner, God places the boundaries (the bit & reins) on the man in order that He may take the man in the direction that He wants him to go. God places boundaries in our lives to protect us and to keep us on track with His will. When we fight against God's leading, He graciously pulls us back in line with His will.

I was also able to lead the group devotions for the week, where we studied spiritual disciplines, the focus was on spending time with God. We have to discipline ourselves in ways that our flesh fights against. We may have to wake up and hour earlier than we normally do, in order that we spend that quite time, still, away from the cares of life. We also learned in Psalm 119:11 that we hide God's word in our hearts, not only because it protects us from making bad decisions, but just like the psalmist, because we love God. The word hide means to " hoard up". If you read through the 8 verse context of this passage you see that David loves God's word, he loves it and can;t get enough of it. Ultimately this love for God's Word is a love for God. When we hide it in our hearts we give us the ability to make the right choice not to sin against God. When we sin against God it is not so much a failure to keep from sinning, but it is a success in sinning against God. We do not fall into sin we are given the choice and the way for escape 1 Corinthians 10:13. When we sin against God it is a choice to do so.

Choice not to sin against God, hide His word in your heart!

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