Thursday, August 14, 2008

When are we?

Why is it that we are the only dispensation that seeks to live in every other dispensation. There are those that seek to put themselves under the Law, to live according to works of their own hands. They seek to justify themselves by their own unrighteous sacrifices. There are those who say that the Kingdom of God is now, with Christ ruling in our hearts and are not willing to take a literal view of the 1000 year reign of Christ. When I see this, I say if Christ is ruling now, He is not doing a good job. Also when did this thousand year reign start, if at the death or ascension then it has been more than a 1000 years. If we believe that Christ is reigning now then His position is that of King and not intercessor, I need the intercessor now more than the King. Why is it so hard to take His word at face value?

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